Detailing Store Autóápolási Szaküzlet - 1118 Budapest, Bajmóci u. 11-13.

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Tenzi Alux GT 1L - Acid rim cleaner
Tenzi Alux GT 1L - Acid rim cleaner
1 980 Ft

Tenzi Alux GT 1L - Acid rim cleaner

Ready-to-use product for dirty aluminum wheels.
Removes daily dirt, discoloration and deposits.

In stock
1 980 Ft
Unit price: 1 980 Ft/liter

Before use, read the safety data sheet of the product.
The product is ready for use without dilution.
Spray on the area to be cleaned surface, then after 30-60 seconds wash it with high-pressure water.
You can also apply the product with a brush, which is safer.

Article No.