Detailing Store Autóápolási Szaküzlet - 1118 Budapest, Bajmóci u. 11-13.

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Tenzi Measured bottle - 1000ml

Since most of Tenzi's offer is concentrate, we have created a universal, reusable bottle with a standard, mixing ratio print, which allows accurate and efficient use of the products.

< p>It is made of durable PE material, which is resistant to acidic and alkaline substances. Since none of the nozzles is good for standing in chemicals all the time, we also add a chemical-resistant cap to each bottle, so that when the nozzle is not in use, it does not have to be in the chemical.

Capacity: 1000ml >

Out of stock
790 Ft
Unit price: 790 Ft/darab
Out of stock
Article No.