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Ewocar Fine Cut 1000 ml - Fine polishing paste
Ewocar Fine Cut 1000 ml - Fine polishing paste
17 490 Ft

Ewocar Fine Cut 1000 ml - Fine polishing paste

The Ewocar Fine Cut Polishing Paste is designed for use with a fine polishing wheel to safely remove holograms and haze left after the initial hard cut, but can also remove light scratches too.

It has a water-based, silicone-free and dust-free technology that enables long polishing cycles and easy wiping even on softer lacquers. Always use a clean microfiber cloth in slow, circular motions to avoid scratching the freshly polished surface.

In stock
17 490 Ft
  • Water-based
  • Filler-free
  • Silicone-free
  • Dust-free
  • Easily wiped back
  • < /ul>
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