Detailing Store Autóápolási Szaküzlet - 1118 Budapest, Bajmóci u. 11-13.

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Auto Graph Heliodor - Interior cleaner 5 Liter

Auto Graph Heliodor Interior Detailer is a universal cleaner for car interiors. Due to its formula, it can be used on almost all surfaces, including plastic, wood, textile and alcantara covers. Its smell is extremely pleasant, after use it leaves a natural appearance and a dusting effect. No need to rinse after use.

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13 990 Ft
Unit price: 2 798 Ft/Liter
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  • The product is ready to use, no need to dilute it.
  • Spray the product on the surface to be cleaned, then start wiping with a short fiber microfiber cloth.
  • If the surface is very dirty, using a car cosmetic brush can increase the effectiveness of the product.
  • Wipe the surface dry after cleaning.
  • < /ul>

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