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Auto Graph Emerald - Glass cleaner with ceramic content 5 Liters
Auto Graph Emerald - Glass cleaner with ceramic content 5 Liters
14 690 Ft

Auto Graph Emerald - Glass cleaner with ceramic content 5 Liters

The EMERALD glass cleaner not only cleans, but also protects all glass surfaces! The addition of SiO2 polymer guarantees lubricity and water repellency. In addition to efficient and streak-free cleaning, the advanced formula also ensures fast evaporation. We strongly recommend its use in rainy weather.

In stock
14 690 Ft
Unit price: 2 938 Ft/Liter


  • The product is ready to use, no need to dilute it.
  • Spray the product on the surface to be cleaned, then start wiping with a short-pile microfiber cloth. ADBL Goofer Towel is recommended for this purpose, as this goofer microfiber towel is designed for glass cleaning.
  • Wipe the surface again with another microfiber towel. .

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