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ADBL Ceramic QD Quick Light with Ceramic Content 5L
ADBL Ceramic QD Quick Light with Ceramic Content 5L
27 290 Ft

ADBL Ceramic QD Quick Light with Ceramic Content 5L

The ADBL Ceramic QD is an extremely easy-to-use product. The solution with a high SiO2 and Silicon polymer content enables strong adhesion to the varnish layer, plastics and glass. It perfectly fills in the minor unevenness of the varnish, increasing the shine of the treated surface. It can also be used to maintain existing ceramic coatings, providing a high water repellency effect.


In stock
27 290 Ft
Unit price: 27 290 Ft/liter

How to use:

  • Clean the car before using the product.
  • Spray the product with a clean high GSM No. 1 microfiber cloth.
  • Distribute evenly on the surface.
  • Wipe dry with polishing movements.

If you want a quick protection after a wash, directly you can also spray it on wet bodywork, but this requires a thorough rinse and then a dry wipe. We recommend using the product in the steps listed above.

Article No.